
Fallout 4 merging mods
Fallout 4 merging mods

Ded String also provided the list of mods they were using to viewers, allowing fans to locate the best mods in Fallout 4 for their own playthroughs.

fallout 4 merging mods

In a 10-minute-long video, YouTuber Ded String showcases the fruits of their efforts-a visually stunning take on the world of Fallout 4, which incorporates 205 individual mods. However, one fan has added so many mods to their copy of Fallout 4 that it could be mistaken for an entirely different game. Bethesda games are infamous for being highly moddable and Fallout 4 is no exception, so it may not be surprising to hear that some fans prefer to play a heavily modded version of the game.

Fallout 4 merging mods